Get involved. Come to an event and let's talk trains!
Fourth Saturdays we gather for lunch and a layout tour.
There's nothing like talking trains, experiencing workshops, railfanning, showing models, and learning techniques face to face. Join us for our next lunch and tour. 4th Saturdays.

Plan for Tri-Cities in 2025, May 9-11
Bill Fassett, MMR, PNR 2025 Convention Chair
The 2025 Convention Committee is now meeting monthly to prepare a great convention experience in May 2025, in Pasco, Washington. Pasco was established 140 years ago by the Northern Pacific Railway, and the NP’s Engineer Virgil Bogue named the town after a city in in Peru that had similar surroundings. The Convention will be called the Ainsworth Connector after the site about two miles away from Pasco where the Northern Pacific Railroad had planned to build a bridge across the Snake River in 1879. The bridge turned out to be perhaps the first “bridge to nowhere,” and its failure bankrupted the NPRR, which was taken over by the Northern Pacific Railway.
The Ainsworth Connector will be held in a new 3-day format on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 9, 10, and 11. The meeting will end at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday following an Awards Luncheon. We hope this format will make it easier for members who are still working for a living to attend. The Modeling with the Masters® clinic will be held as a pre-convention event on Thursday, May 8. “On the Way” layout tours will also be available on Thursday.
Borrowed, with permission, from The Switchlist — May 2024