Where is the 3rd Division?
We build and run trains! To show them off to everyone we hold two Divisional Meets each year, have monthly luncheons and zoom meeting where we talk trains and modeling. First Saturday of the month we meet for coffee and talk trains in Ontario, OR. Meetings are typically in the Boise, Idaho area but we have travelled to Twin Falls, ID and Ontario, OR. Division meet activities include clinics, NMRA and popular model and photo contests, displays, a silent auction, vendors and home layout tours. We are the hub for model railroading in the area.

NMRA is divided in to regions and those regions into divisions. 3rd Division is part of the Pacific Northwest Region, a vast geographic area stretching from Alaska through Western Canada, and including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. The 3rd Division is comprised of Southern Idaho from the Wyoming border through Eastern Oregon to Bend, 685 miles! If you are in our division, we want you to be a part of us! Contact us for more info or join NMRA today.